Monday, May 2, 2011

The Prince?

The Seattle Mariners have what appears to be another phenom on their hands. The last phenom was nicknamed King, so what about hard throwing right hander Michael Pineda? Prince. I personally do not like the nickname and I do not think it will stick. After Pineda's first month in the big leagues, he is 4-1 with a 2.01 ERA. It is not only his physical stature that allows him to mow down the world's best hitters but his mental approach to pitching. He is said to have no fear. He does not care who he is throwing to and he knows in his mind he can beat anyone that faces him. He is still young though and will need to mature if he is going to become the heir to the throne.

In other news, if you haven't heard, Osama bin Laden was shot and killed last night. This caused one of the greatest moments in baseball history. The New York Mets and the Philidelphia Phillies were facing off in in Philidelphia when the news spread. USA chants strted breaking out and heated rival fans put their sport preferences aside and started hugging and high fiving. It was a great sight to see. The Phillies ended up losing the game 2-1 but everyone still left the stadium happy.

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